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Global Plant Ltd
Global Plant Ltd
Update Time: | 2011-05-29 |
Valid to: | Never Expired |
Detailed Description: | Hello, This is Paul Anderson.I made an inquiry some time ago about your product on Alibaba.I am sorry for not responding earlier. I just accessed our e-mail account today after three weeks away from office to Sydney,Australia on Business negotiations and i saw your reply back in regard to your product i saw on Alibaba trade website that we are interested in.However,due to the policy of our company which is to always provide our customers with the best of all products,we have come up with some suggestion and a sample product which we would like you to produce for us according to our specifications. I saw a similar and latest product design on a trade production design website which i choose to be the product design i want and we will need this particular design in large quantity. To view the picture of the sample product we want you to produce for us,you need to click the link below,login your email ID and password for quick and easy view to the picture.I want you to check out our specifications on the link below and get back to me as soon as possible and let me know if you have the design so we can do business together. Click the Link:Awaiting your reply urgently have a wonderful day. Paul Anderson Quality Control/Purchase Mgr. Global Plant Ltd |
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